. . .

You hurt me,
you never knew how hard it was for me to live with you.
You don't know how bad my memories are,
I try to forget about them but they just wont go away.

Never Ever again, never ever again i'll come back to you.
I only stayed, i only prayed 
because i loved my family, you were not a part of it.
I saw you as an enemy.

There's only a few people knowing, how hard it was for me.
But those people are real friends and i wont l let them go!
They have been there and supported me and i will do the
same thing to them if they ever need me.
But what you dont know is that you've made my life a nightmare.
And i hope you'll remember the day i played back.
I'll give you the same card back that you gave me when we started this game.

Never ever again, never ever again i'll come back to you.
I only stayed, I only prayed because i loved my family,
you werent a part of it.
I saw
I saw
I saw you as an enemy, an enemy in my life.

Skriven av mig, kommentera gärna,
Kraam Flikkahn


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